In the video below two big horn sheep bash head on.
This will determine who is the biggest, the strongest and the toughest.
My opinion far is that too often the same approach is taken in self defence.
The bad guy launches an assault and the good guy meets it head on.
Much is made about proper structure and posture to have a strong forward aggression.
If this has always worked for a person, it is hard to recommend doing something different.
However, make no mistake while doing it better helps this still works to determine who is the biggest, the strongest and the toughest.
How many assaults are launched on someone clearly bigger and stronger than the bad guy?
Not many so going head on into a clash may not be what you want to do, so what do you want to do?
“Now You See It Now You Don’t: Using Empty Space in Self Defence” is an entire book on an alternative.
It is a book giving you options that can be used in all style and all system to make things work much better and more often on someone who can overpower you.
No, it does not negate the fact that bigger and stronger is an advantage but it will open doors and for the bigger and stronger person it can be eye opening for them.