Book Recommendations Part 3: The Only Safe Violent Encounter is the One that Never Happens – Avoiding Conflict

Jul 30, 2020

The next two books I am going to recommend deal with the related topic of avoiding the conflict so that you never have to defend yourself physically.

The first book is a quick easy read and relates to encounters that have the potential to go violent.  “Disarm Daily Conflict: Your Life Depends On It” by Chris Roberts.

This book is written in a nice conversational tone and I think it gives some solid sound ways to recognize when a conflict is going off the rails and how to prevent that from getting to a violent encounter.

I think it is straight to the point in dealing with this particular slice of conflict communication.

It covers a practical definition of conflict, defining your goal, language clues, physical clues what not to do and what to do.

I think this is a practical book and recommend it for everyone but in particular for those who haven’t looked at why conflicts get to violence.